Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Zoning Board of Appeals 11-27/11-28-2012

I attempted to attend at least portions of these two meetings.

I attempted to attend at least portions of these two meetings.

The agenda of the two meetings of the ZBA is shown below:ZBA 11-27-2012

The major issues were the Northwest Pallet text amendment and special use request and the Wind Farm text amendment.

For the background on the Northwest Pallet case and result go to:  and the updated story at: 

As a private citizen I asked the lawyer representing Northwest Pallet how they were using the new mulch being generating from their continued pallet repair and manufacturing operations.  He stated it was being sold mostly to be burnt as boiler fuel.

For a fairly brief summary of the Wind Farm issue go to:

Hopefully  more recent newspaper accounts will be available soon.