Saturday, December 8, 2012

Chairman Walberg’s requested procedure for the Wind Farm Ordinance at the upcoming County Board Meeting 12-19-2012

County Board members, State’s Attorney, Planning Department:

I want to thank everyone for attending PZB on Wednesday, December 5, 2012. I noticed that the whole Board attended and I feel that will have good value to us as we go through the remainder of this process.

We will be considering at the Board meeting a proposed ordinance as it evolved from the previous meetings. As a Board we will be able to amend it as we feel necessary. However, any amendments should originate from testimony given at the Public ZBA Hearing. I would like to ask of any Board member wishing to offer an amendment to cite the date, the page, and the lines from the ZBA Hearing testimony. This should be a huge contribution to the rest of the Board to follow and verify the rationale of the amendment being offered. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
