Thursday, December 13, 2012

E-mail to County Board Chair regarding “Responsible Bid” legislation


Chairman Walberg

At the Administrative and Legislative Subcommittee Mr. Karl Johnson discussed with the committee pending state legislation regarding a ”responsible bidder” bill. The committee recommended that you as Chairman of our board write our state legislators voicing our opposition to the bill. Mr. Johnson indicated that the legislation in question would effectively grant union labor unwarranted preference in bidding construction projects for state and local government .

I do not believe it is fruitful for our board to enter into highly charged partisan issues at the state and national level. Even when our only action is  advisory, I do not believe that we are serving the best interests of the people of Boone County. It only adds to the conflict and partisanship. We need to unite and help all of Boone County prosper.

Correct me if I am wrong, but all of state legislators representing Boone County are Republican. I do not believe that Boone County government needs to be a cheering section for our Republican representatives in Springfield. You and the other Republican members of Boone County Board may personally write legislators but I am very opposed to using the good name of Boone County government to support ostensibly partisan issues whether Democratic or Republican

I respectfully request that the issue of your writing state legislators regarding the pending “responsible bidder” bill be determined by a vote of the entire county board and that the vote be a ROLL CALL vote.

If you as Board Chairman must write our legislators regarding this matter, please include the results of that roll call vote in your letter.

Thank you